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des de l'arribada a Holanda..... a finals del 1999
Since I arrived in Holland... by the end of 1999


el pis barat / the cheap bargain

Thanks to the cousin of my ex-boss at Dockers I got this beautiful

 little flat in the last cannal of the center of Amsterdam

el pis temporal pagat per Dockers / the temporal flat paid by Dockers

Humij appartments, aquest era el nom dels primers apartaments on vaig estar.

Humij appartments this was the name of the first appartments I stayed on.

One of my first friends... / un dels primers amics...

Gracies a ell (el meu amic Julien) vaig poder dormir sota un sostre durant els dies posteriors a deixar els apartaments Humij, degut a que encara no tenia les claus pel nou pis.... Es tractava d'una habitacio amb cuina, sense labavo... pero mes val aixo que res..

Thanks to him (my friend Julien) I could sleep under a warm roof, during the winter days I was homeless, waiting to find a new flat... because the Humij appartments time was over. His place had just a room and a kitchen, and we had to go to the owners appartment in another flat to pee.. but that was ok!

And my Spanish friend: Raquel / i la meva amiga espanyola: Raquel

She came from Miami directly to work for Dockers, and she introduced me to another spanish friend from who I don't have a picture: Dalina!

Va ser contractada per Dockers Europe directament des de Miami, ella va ser la que em va presentar una altra amiga espanyola, de la qual no tinc foto: la Dalina!

i com no em podia oblidar dels nostres essers estimats: els conills!
And how could I forget our beloved pet-friends: the rabbits!

1999 brought us two rabbits together to Holland: Bambam & Bambi

El 1999 ens va portar dos conillets a Holanda: en Bambam i en Bambi

Any 2000.....
Year 2000....

The year 2000 starts and we already have some new spanish friends, thanks to Julien and Gesina, who are part of the same group: Anton and Sonia.

L'any 2000 comenca amb dos nous amics espanyols, els quals hem conegut gracies a en Julien i la Gesina: l'Anton i la Sonia.

principis del 2000: visita familiar
Beginning of 2000: family visit

Per primer cop els meus papis em venen a veure al pis d'Amsterdam.

By the first time since my stay in Holland, my parents come to visit me..

Pasqua 2000: visita d'en Santi i el meu germa 
Easter 2000: visit of Santi and my brother

estaven fets pols.... nomes recordo que es van ajaure pels sillons i no els vaig treure d'alla fins que es van recuperar de la ressaca... he, he,..

2001....... Queens day (April)
2001 , Las paellas del Brillante - Utrecht

My spanish friends from Nike in a paella at the spanish center of Utrecht: El Brillante.... Santy, Oscar, (..) ,Ruben y Marcos

all the group, waitning for the paella in the table... we waited 2 or 3 hours.... at least! but it was worth waiting... (on the bottom of the photo: Alberto, Francesc, Angel and other friends)

Bloemendal, beach

this beach is full of dutchers on the summer and at this place there´s even a beach bar, that is removed during the winter.

summer 2002, after the world wide trip

me and Sebastian (Bas or Seb) in the channels of Amsterdam, with the tan and the shirt from Hawaii

2003 visita d'en Puji i la Silvia / One of my best friends visit